Friday, April 6, 2012

Make up Tips for Photos

1. Wear Mattes
When you are going to be photographed, you want to avoid anything that is going to reflect light onto your face.  Mattes are flat colors. They don’t have any sparkle or shimmer. The shimmer looks good to the naked eye but, the camera captures it differently than our eyes do.
2. Apply in Natural Light
For best results, apply your make-up in natural light. Indoor lighting can alter the appearance of your make-up. Most indoor lights have different color casts or tones to them. Because of this, some lights may wash you out causing you to apply make-up too heavily.  So, when you get ready at one location and are photographed at a different location (or using studio lights) your “picture perfect make-up” may look less than perfect in your photos.
3. Use Yellow Tinted Powder
Yellow tinted powder photographs better than shimmery or translucent powders. The other powders will reflect the light leaving you with a shine. They may also leave you looking washed out.
4. Blend in under Eye Concealer
Most of us try to cover up dark circles under our eyes with a little concealer. For everyday use this is fine, but, occasionally in photographs, under eye concealer comes off too harsh. Be sure to blend out the concealer extremely well. If it isn’t well blended, it may reveal fine lines and awkward coloring around your eye.
5. Black Liner and Black Mascara
Many experts suggest using black liner and mascara. If you normally use browns, opt for black.  The darker hue will give you better contrast and make your eyes pop even more.
6. Blush
Skipping blush will wash your face out, especially under a heavy flash. Blush adds definition to your face. Without it, you end up looking like you’re missing something. Be sure to not over apply blush either. Start light and add more if needed.
7. Don’t Skip Lipstick
Skipping lipstick will cause your mouth to blend in with the rest of your face. You need to contrast your features for best results.
8. Avoid Shadows
Try not to create any shadows on your face with make-up. For example, don’t apply dark shadows below your eyes. This will give the appearance of bags and no one wants that. 
9. Contour with Highlight
Your photographs will look great when you contour and highlight your facial features. To contour, use bronzer a shade or two darker than your natural color to brush on under your cheek bones, under your chin, along either side of your nose, and the outer corners of your forehead. To highlight, apply a lighter color on the areas that light hits. Apply it to the tops of your checks, center of your forehead, and the bridge of your nose.
10. Whiten Eyes
Don’t forget to use eye drops to get rid of any redness in your eyes. Those bloodshot eyes can really mess up a good photo. You can also help your eyes look bigger and clearer by using a little white shadow on the inside corners of both eyes.
Looking good in your photos is simple if you follow a few basic make-up tips.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Senior Pictures with Jordan

It was a beautiful day when we ventured out to take Jordan's senior pictures.  Everything was finally starting to green up and bloom after the winter.  We started out at the college campus that he will call home for the next four years then headed down to Medicine Park.  

I truly enjoyed our adventure in capturing images that portray his personality.  Jordan never ceases to amaze me with his kindness and intelligence.  But I must say that the best part was getting to hear him play that guitar and sing along.  What a great day!

Click on the image below to view all of the images from Jordan's photo session.

If you are interesting in booking a photo session please send me an email or give me a call!