Monday, March 7, 2011

Bridal Photo Shoot in Guthrie

Bridal photo shoot in Guthrie, OK at a historic building sound interesting? I thought it did so I gave it a whirl!  There were several pieces to this project that had to come together to make this photo shoot happen. But it was worth all the work in the end. 

First step was to find a wedding dress for my model.  I located a dress I could rent from a resale shop and was pretty sure that was the path I was going to have to take.  But a lady from church gave me the best news when she told me she had a dress I could borrow.  Not only was the dress amazing it photographed very well and looked great on the model.  Next, I had to recruit a model.  This was a task that did become cumbersome with trying to schedule the time with three different people and the two snow storms and my brother being sick.  But nonetheless we were finally able to work it into everyone’s schedule. 

A couple days before the photo shoot I was trying to get all the loose ends tied up and asking myself all kinds of questions.  Does the model have jewelry to wear? What about a veil?  Are all the batteries charged? Are the lights packed?  What about flowers?  My bride needs a bouquet!  Luckily I had some flowers that were left over from my many craft projects.  Joanna, my dear friend was kind enough to transform my pile of flowers into two beautiful bouquets.  You’ve got to love it when God blesses you with some of the most helpful people in the universe!  Thank you Joanna for making the bouquets, they were lovely! 
 I was yet again blessed on the day of the shoot with absolutely fantastic weather.  It was in the low 70’s which was a far cry from the freezing cold weather of the past few weeks that included two snow storms.  And not just a little snow. Oh no we had enough snow that they closed school for 4 days one week and two days the next.  Crazy is all I can say about that.  So the 70 degree weather felt great!

We got to the building in historic downtown Guthrie and the anticipation of what exactly lies in store for the photo shoot was exciting.  The exterior of the building was a brick three story corner building and the signs of age were apparent.  It had a very antique feel to it and the possibilities for potential photos were running through my mind.  Once inside we were shown the layout of the building and we began to setup.  There were many areas that caught my eye as great locations so I knew I had to use my time wisely in order to make time to capture them all.

The photo shoot was super fun but I know my model, Hannah, was beat from all the work.  Models don’t get near enough credit…it is hard work to stand in front of a camera and “look this way”, “smile that way”, “turn your shoulders like this”…for long periods of time.  So, Hannah, thanks for being a trooper and easy to work with, you ROCK girl!

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