I have the most amazing friends! Actually they are more like my sisters! Not by blood but by a shared loved for each other. These ladies are the ones that know and put up with my crazy. You know everyone has their own sort of “crazy” and luckily I have some great friends that don’t seem to mind “my kind of crazy”. For this I am grateful and truly blessed to have them in my life! You ladies are AMAZING!
One of my amazing friends has a super talent that I wish would rub off on me! Lea Ann is a tremendous writer. Her emails about the most normal everyday happenings in her life are captured in her words so beautifully that it can’t help to make you smile. Her stories make you feel like you lived the experience and are a better person for it. Not just everyone is blessed with such a talent. So a few months ago I decided, being the good friend I am, to convince Lea Ann that she needed to write a blog. Well it didn’t take as much arm twisting as I had anticipated talking her into it. We agreed she would write it and I would upload the posts and add some image to give it some flair.
So while living up to my part of the bargain I would look through pictures of her family and post pictures that would correspond with the blog post. After about the third post I realized something was missing, not just a little something a BIG something! Lea Ann was missing. Most of the family photos were of the kids and Dad but where was Mom? Oh yeah she was the one taking the pictures. So after much persistence I finally talked her into some new family photos. She really just wanted some pictures of the kids but I persuaded her otherwise. When her kids are all grown up they will want some pictures of their mom - yes that is where I won the argument.
So after rescheduling a couple of times and getting everyone’s schedules to work out I finally got to take some family photos of my super talented friend and her family. Aren’t they just the sweetest family ever?
Oh...and there is a story that transpired during this photo shoot that I will share later...it is too good...be watching for it!
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