Last night we set out to play with lighting to make ghostly shots. With two models Rebekah and Corbin the ghostly shots wouldn’t have turned out so well. The models started out standing next to the truck for a small period of time during the shutter opening. Then we used a couple of flashlights to add a little bit of lighting to the models.
When two flashlights were too much we went to one flashlight and wow, the shots were great. Using these two models, they can run out of the frame quicker than me or my wife., making for less streaks. Another technique used to cut down on the streaks was turning the flashlight to the strobe mode. This did not affect the lighting at all and cut out all the streaks.

We finished the night with Rebekah in the bed of the truck peering around the truck cab. The first shot, she was too solid in the picture. For some reason the time needed to get a ghostly image in the back of the truck needed to be shorter than the time used in front of the truck. Not sure why though. I used one of the flashlights at the camera which casted a softer light on the model. Then a bright idea came into mind, and Corbin sat at the back of the truck bed shining the flashlight at the back of her head. WOW.

Out of the 34 shots taken, 13 turned out reallywell. The others were too dark from too short of shutter speed or out of focus which was an IO error. And for those who do not know what an IO error stands for. IDIOT OPERATOR.

Unfortunately at night, it is hard to adjust the focus until you put light on the subject. Tonight we are planning to play with lights in total darkness. I hope it turns out well.
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