Thursday, August 4, 2011

Zoop and Jenny's Engagement Photos

Just before sun set an awesome engagement photo shoot started with Jenny Newell and her fiancé Steve “Zoop” Williams. The photo shoot started out at Jenny’s house on a bench which was turned towards the back pasture. Zoop sat down on the bench and Jenny sat down next to him and just before the pictures started to be taken a black cat kept jumping up on the bench with them and the two dogs just wanted to sit in their laps. The cat won but the dogs lost and the pictures began.
Jenny called her grandfather and he agreed to pull an old tractor out of the barn for a big prop for a back drop. Wow some beautiful pictures turned out on the tractor. We found many different props to use for the photo shoot, so after the tractor we used an old farm rake. We had to work around the sun a little and really had to work hard at getting a smile from Zoop.
We moved on to some tree stumps which made for some beautiful shots as the sun sunk alittle lower in the sky. Posing this photogenic couple proved to be very easy and made for some very good shots. Then we moved on into the woods where a tree stood out to us. And the photogenic couple continued with the perfect poses.
Let’s not forget about Jenny’s father’s old 1950 something pickup just atop of the hill behind us. The sun had just started moving behind the trees, which made for some very good lighting situation. Yes that’s right even more props came out, a picture of a “J” and a “S” was added to the truck pictures.
As we were leaving Jenny’s grandfather’s property we had a visit from a cotton mouth snake which crossed the path just in front of us. Zoop missed stepping on it by mere inches. Wow, a snake that close and luckily no one was bitten.
The photo shoot ended with some shots of the couple walking down the road being followed by Jenny’s horse who wanted to be in the picture too. Then we moved out to an open field for some shots as the sun set behind the hill. The dogs wanted in some the pictures too, and they even posed well for the shots.
By the way Zoop does smile throughout the photo shoot, he just smiles bigger when you fall into a hole in the ground. Thanks Zoop for the support.
When editing the pictures, it was hard to choose the best shots, and even harder to pick a few for my Creative Series. All the shots turned out to be my favorite and this photogenic couple proves there is no way for a picture to not turn out perfect. Jenny and Zoop, we at Creative Sight Photography would like to thank you for a wonderful photo shoot, and wishes the two of you many, many wonderful years together in marriage. We look forward to seeing you at your wedding.

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