Wow, chasing a four year old around can be a quite interesting. Especially when she is a happy and spirited child. Brilee was one of the most spirited and happy child I can remember meeting. I have seen my fair share of children and Brilee was a treat to be around. She was a very expressive child and was moving none stop the entire time. I could tell toward the end of our session she was starting to get a little tired. I can't remember a face any cuter than hers as she could give that amazing smile one minute then a totally different expression the next. She was a such a blast to photograph. Here are a few pictures from my shoot with her. Hope you enjoy them!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Brilee's Fourth Birthday!
Wow, chasing a four year old around can be a quite interesting. Especially when she is a happy and spirited child. Brilee was one of the most spirited and happy child I can remember meeting. I have seen my fair share of children and Brilee was a treat to be around. She was a very expressive child and was moving none stop the entire time. I could tell toward the end of our session she was starting to get a little tired. I can't remember a face any cuter than hers as she could give that amazing smile one minute then a totally different expression the next. She was a such a blast to photograph. Here are a few pictures from my shoot with her. Hope you enjoy them!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Kayla's Senior Photo's
I had the opportunity to photograph the lovely Kayla for her Senior Photos. We started out at an old barn where we found several places to take some amazing photos. Her mom joined in for a few frames also. They are both so beautiful. After we finished up at the farm we went to the lake where we were blessed with more spectacular scenery. The trees were the finest fall colors and the light made them shine. We did have one major obstacle for the day, the wind! Not just a little breeze but some major wind. Luckily we were able to overcome or out smart the wind. We were not going to let it stand in the way of getting some great pictures. Here is one of my favorites followed by a slideshow of all the images. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Football Pics
Kody is a senior this year and his mom really wanted some good pictures in his football uniform. So I set out to make mom happy! I think that mom will have some great pictures that will make her memories last a lifetime!
Thompson Family
The Thompson family met me on a beautiful fall morning to take some family photos. They brought along there three kids, two dogs, grandparents and a cousin! We had a great time. The kids were full of energy and so much fun to be around! I think you could say this is an all-around amazing family. And they take great pictures! Thanks Thompson Family for your choosing me to photograph your lovely family!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I had an amazing photo shoot with the cutest little one year old girl! She is so precious and easy to work with. Having fun was the name of the game that day and boy did we have fun. Her parents brought along the coolest pick polk-a-dot chair and brought along an old wooden wagon from Germany. The weather was perfect that day we couldn't have asked for anything better. Here are a few pics of the darling Tinley!
Sherri Smith
Sherri Smith
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Purcell Lake at Sunset
We went out to Purcell Lake a few weeks ago and watched the sunset. It was beautiful. The geese came out to say hi. The sky was so pretty. Couldn't ask for much more. Hope you enjoy the pictures that we took.
Monday, August 8, 2011

Last night we set out to play with lighting to make ghostly shots. With two models Rebekah and Corbin the ghostly shots wouldn’t have turned out so well. The models started out standing next to the truck for a small period of time during the shutter opening. Then we used a couple of flashlights to add a little bit of lighting to the models.
When two flashlights were too much we went to one flashlight and wow, the shots were great. Using these two models, they can run out of the frame quicker than me or my wife., making for less streaks. Another technique used to cut down on the streaks was turning the flashlight to the strobe mode. This did not affect the lighting at all and cut out all the streaks.

We finished the night with Rebekah in the bed of the truck peering around the truck cab. The first shot, she was too solid in the picture. For some reason the time needed to get a ghostly image in the back of the truck needed to be shorter than the time used in front of the truck. Not sure why though. I used one of the flashlights at the camera which casted a softer light on the model. Then a bright idea came into mind, and Corbin sat at the back of the truck bed shining the flashlight at the back of her head. WOW.

Out of the 34 shots taken, 13 turned out reallywell. The others were too dark from too short of shutter speed or out of focus which was an IO error. And for those who do not know what an IO error stands for. IDIOT OPERATOR.

Unfortunately at night, it is hard to adjust the focus until you put light on the subject. Tonight we are planning to play with lights in total darkness. I hope it turns out well.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Zoop and Jenny's Engagement Photos
Just before sun set an awesome engagement photo shoot started with Jenny Newell and her fiancé Steve “Zoop” Williams. The photo shoot started out at Jenny’s house on a bench which was turned towards the back pasture. Zoop sat down on the bench and Jenny sat down next to him and just before the pictures started to be taken a black cat kept jumping up on the bench with them and the two dogs just wanted to sit in their laps. The cat won but the dogs lost and the pictures began.

Jenny called her grandfather and he agreed to pull an old tractor out of the barn for a big prop for a back drop. Wow some beautiful pictures turned out on the tractor. We found many different props to use for the photo shoot, so after the tractor we used an old farm rake. We had to work around the sun a little and really had to work hard at getting a smile from Zoop.

We moved on to some tree stumps which made for some beautiful shots as the sun sunk alittle lower in the sky. Posing this photogenic couple proved to be very easy and made for some very good shots. Then we moved on into the woods where a tree stood out to us. And the photogenic couple continued with the perfect poses.

Let’s not forget about Jenny’s father’s old 1950 something pickup just atop of the hill behind us. The sun had just started moving behind the trees, which made for some very good lighting situation. Yes that’s right even more props came out, a picture of a “J” and a “S” was added to the truck pictures.

As we were leaving Jenny’s grandfather’s property we had a visit from a cotton mouth snake which crossed the path just in front of us. Zoop missed stepping on it by mere inches. Wow, a snake that close and luckily no one was bitten.

The photo shoot ended with some shots of the couple walking down the road being followed by Jenny’s horse who wanted to be in the picture too. Then we moved out to an open field for some shots as the sun set behind the hill. The dogs wanted in some the pictures too, and they even posed well for the shots.

By the way Zoop does smile throughout the photo shoot, he just smiles bigger when you fall into a hole in the ground. Thanks Zoop for the support.

When editing the pictures, it was hard to choose the best shots, and even harder to pick a few for my Creative Series. All the shots turned out to be my favorite and this photogenic couple proves there is no way for a picture to not turn out perfect. Jenny and Zoop, we at Creative Sight Photography would like to thank you for a wonderful photo shoot, and wishes the two of you many, many wonderful years together in marriage. We look forward to seeing you at your wedding.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Friends are the BEST!
I have the most amazing friends! Actually they are more like my sisters! Not by blood but by a shared loved for each other. These ladies are the ones that know and put up with my crazy. You know everyone has their own sort of “crazy” and luckily I have some great friends that don’t seem to mind “my kind of crazy”. For this I am grateful and truly blessed to have them in my life! You ladies are AMAZING!
One of my amazing friends has a super talent that I wish would rub off on me! Lea Ann is a tremendous writer. Her emails about the most normal everyday happenings in her life are captured in her words so beautifully that it can’t help to make you smile. Her stories make you feel like you lived the experience and are a better person for it. Not just everyone is blessed with such a talent. So a few months ago I decided, being the good friend I am, to convince Lea Ann that she needed to write a blog. Well it didn’t take as much arm twisting as I had anticipated talking her into it. We agreed she would write it and I would upload the posts and add some image to give it some flair.
So while living up to my part of the bargain I would look through pictures of her family and post pictures that would correspond with the blog post. After about the third post I realized something was missing, not just a little something a BIG something! Lea Ann was missing. Most of the family photos were of the kids and Dad but where was Mom? Oh yeah she was the one taking the pictures. So after much persistence I finally talked her into some new family photos. She really just wanted some pictures of the kids but I persuaded her otherwise. When her kids are all grown up they will want some pictures of their mom - yes that is where I won the argument.
So after rescheduling a couple of times and getting everyone’s schedules to work out I finally got to take some family photos of my super talented friend and her family. Aren’t they just the sweetest family ever?
Oh...and there is a story that transpired during this photo shoot that I will share is too watching for it!
One of my amazing friends has a super talent that I wish would rub off on me! Lea Ann is a tremendous writer. Her emails about the most normal everyday happenings in her life are captured in her words so beautifully that it can’t help to make you smile. Her stories make you feel like you lived the experience and are a better person for it. Not just everyone is blessed with such a talent. So a few months ago I decided, being the good friend I am, to convince Lea Ann that she needed to write a blog. Well it didn’t take as much arm twisting as I had anticipated talking her into it. We agreed she would write it and I would upload the posts and add some image to give it some flair.
So while living up to my part of the bargain I would look through pictures of her family and post pictures that would correspond with the blog post. After about the third post I realized something was missing, not just a little something a BIG something! Lea Ann was missing. Most of the family photos were of the kids and Dad but where was Mom? Oh yeah she was the one taking the pictures. So after much persistence I finally talked her into some new family photos. She really just wanted some pictures of the kids but I persuaded her otherwise. When her kids are all grown up they will want some pictures of their mom - yes that is where I won the argument.
So after rescheduling a couple of times and getting everyone’s schedules to work out I finally got to take some family photos of my super talented friend and her family. Aren’t they just the sweetest family ever?
Oh...and there is a story that transpired during this photo shoot that I will share is too watching for it!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bridal Photo Shoot in Guthrie
Bridal photo shoot in Guthrie, OK at a historic building sound interesting? I thought it did so I gave it a whirl! There were several pieces to this project that had to come together to make this photo shoot happen. But it was worth all the work in the end.
First step was to find a wedding dress for my model. I located a dress I could rent from a resale shop and was pretty sure that was the path I was going to have to take. But a lady from church gave me the best news when she told me she had a dress I could borrow. Not only was the dress amazing it photographed very well and looked great on the model. Next, I had to recruit a model. This was a task that did become cumbersome with trying to schedule the time with three different people and the two snow storms and my brother being sick. But nonetheless we were finally able to work it into everyone’s schedule.
A couple days before the photo shoot I was trying to get all the loose ends tied up and asking myself all kinds of questions. Does the model have jewelry to wear? What about a veil? Are all the batteries charged? Are the lights packed? What about flowers? My bride needs a bouquet! Luckily I had some flowers that were left over from my many craft projects. Joanna, my dear friend was kind enough to transform my pile of flowers into two beautiful bouquets. You’ve got to love it when God blesses you with some of the most helpful people in the universe! Thank you Joanna for making the bouquets, they were lovely!
I was yet again blessed on the day of the shoot with absolutely fantastic weather. It was in the low 70’s which was a far cry from the freezing cold weather of the past few weeks that included two snow storms. And not just a little snow. Oh no we had enough snow that they closed school for 4 days one week and two days the next. Crazy is all I can say about that. So the 70 degree weather felt great!
We got to the building in historic downtown Guthrie and the anticipation of what exactly lies in store for the photo shoot was exciting. The exterior of the building was a brick three story corner building and the signs of age were apparent. It had a very antique feel to it and the possibilities for potential photos were running through my mind. Once inside we were shown the layout of the building and we began to setup. There were many areas that caught my eye as great locations so I knew I had to use my time wisely in order to make time to capture them all.
The photo shoot was super fun but I know my model, Hannah, was beat from all the work. Models don’t get near enough credit…it is hard work to stand in front of a camera and “look this way”, “smile that way”, “turn your shoulders like this”…for long periods of time. So, Hannah, thanks for being a trooper and easy to work with, you ROCK girl!
First step was to find a wedding dress for my model. I located a dress I could rent from a resale shop and was pretty sure that was the path I was going to have to take. But a lady from church gave me the best news when she told me she had a dress I could borrow. Not only was the dress amazing it photographed very well and looked great on the model. Next, I had to recruit a model. This was a task that did become cumbersome with trying to schedule the time with three different people and the two snow storms and my brother being sick. But nonetheless we were finally able to work it into everyone’s schedule.
A couple days before the photo shoot I was trying to get all the loose ends tied up and asking myself all kinds of questions. Does the model have jewelry to wear? What about a veil? Are all the batteries charged? Are the lights packed? What about flowers? My bride needs a bouquet! Luckily I had some flowers that were left over from my many craft projects. Joanna, my dear friend was kind enough to transform my pile of flowers into two beautiful bouquets. You’ve got to love it when God blesses you with some of the most helpful people in the universe! Thank you Joanna for making the bouquets, they were lovely!
I was yet again blessed on the day of the shoot with absolutely fantastic weather. It was in the low 70’s which was a far cry from the freezing cold weather of the past few weeks that included two snow storms. And not just a little snow. Oh no we had enough snow that they closed school for 4 days one week and two days the next. Crazy is all I can say about that. So the 70 degree weather felt great!
We got to the building in historic downtown Guthrie and the anticipation of what exactly lies in store for the photo shoot was exciting. The exterior of the building was a brick three story corner building and the signs of age were apparent. It had a very antique feel to it and the possibilities for potential photos were running through my mind. Once inside we were shown the layout of the building and we began to setup. There were many areas that caught my eye as great locations so I knew I had to use my time wisely in order to make time to capture them all.

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